J.F. Allen Company completes the Chenoweth Creek Mitigation project. The project increases habitat diversity and bank stability, and decreased the amount of sediment. The project stabilized bank areas through the use of several rock cross vanes and root wads and the planting of new vegetation.
J.F. Allen Company completes the reclamation of three refuse piles at the Hopewell Church Refuse site in Preston county. The job consisted of re-grading the piles, three horizontal bores for mine de-watering and the installation of drain pipe, two rip-rap channels, access road rehabilitation, and re-vegetation of the site.
J.F. Allen Company crew worked diligently to help in the reclamation project of the Scotch Hill Underground Mine Fire in Preston County. The five acre mine has been burning underground and has damaged approximately 14 acres of land at the surface. J.F. Allen crews participated in clearing/grubbing, excavating, and the site access road.
J.F. Allen Company completes the Shinns Run Portal project for the West Virginia DEP Office of Abandoned Mine Lands. This project consisted of the installation of eight (8) 16” bore and jack mine seals. The project also included various installation of seep collectors/subsurface drains, stream bank and slope protection, grouted riprap drainage control channels, the installation of 60” bored and jacked drainage system beneath a county road, excavation of overburden above the deep mine, road repair, and re-grading of the site.
J.F. Allen Company completed the Ellamore Mine Reclamation Project, which included installing new smart drains, the addition of safety fencing around the treatment ponds and the rehabilitation of the access road into the site.